Chinola Fresh Fruit Liqueurs

After discovering the magic of the sacred Dominican passion fruit, Chinola’s journey began in 2014 with the creation of the world’s first vine to bottle fresh fruit liqueur that’s shelf stable. Chinola was born from a creative collaboration of hospitality experts, spirit industry professionals, and a multi-generational master blender. Locally referred to as chinola (chee-noh-lah), their dream was to create an old-world style liqueur that embodied the taste and aroma of fresh passion fruit. Chinola Passion Fruit Liqueur has gone on to become an award winning addition to the world’s best bars and a staple in home bars. With year over year growth, their original spirit has spawned the second jewel in their collection: Chinola Mango Liqueur. Chinola Passion Fruit Liqueur and Chinola Mango Liqueur are natural, low ABV liqueurs made from 100% fresh fruit and neutral cane spirit with no artificial additives. With origins in the Samaná Peninsula, Chinola Fresh Fruit Liqueurs are produced in the Dominican Republic with a commitment to authenticity and eco-friendly practices from farm to bottle. Chinola Passion Fruit liqueur is available in 33 states throughout the United States and 12 countries, including Australia, the United Kingdom, with markets in the Caribbean and parts of Europe.